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viverra, lorem lacus.

What is Animal Communication?

A telepathic, energetic connection.

It’s the transference of images, videos, sounds, smells, taste, feelings, and knowings. It’s the primary way that animal species “talk” amongst themselves and with others.

Everyone is born with the ability to “transfer” in this manor, and many use the ability daily without realizing it.
Most don’t trust what they receive because of the quickness and ease with which the information arrives. This is why we often hear of experiences children have had that seem different or even unbelievable. It is only because they have
not put this ability aside.

Animal communicators are essentially translators. Sometimes we translate words directly as they are sent to us.
Other times we translate into words the image, video, sound, smell, taste, feeling, or knowing the animal sends.
Animals tend to be very literal, so we need to make sure we are careful with what we say and promise. You cannot
hide anything from an animal, and they prefer honesty from us. This also means, however, they will be honest with
us, even if we don’t get the answers we were hoping to receive.

What are the uses, application?

We can utilize communication to check on an animal’s physical health, mental and emotional health, and general well-being. An animal can let us know where and how they feel discomfort, point us in the right direction on a lameness, injury or illness, and let us know if a medicine, supplement, or food is making them feel good or bothering them.

It also provides the opportunity to better learn their preferences, get a sense of their history, and understand
behavioral issues- both their origin and what a reaction means. They show us how things look from their
perspectives, which in itself can enlighten us about things we don’t understand.

Sometimes animals, or their people, have end of life concerns, and communication is a great way to address these concerns. We can assist with asking questions or bring up concerns of your own.

Animals often have messages for us. They know us better than we know ourselves, and we can see ourselves through their perspectives. There really is no limit to what can be discussed, and sometimes just being heard provides comfort.
Your animal is meant to be in your life. Communicating with them is a great way to provide better understanding and
connection. My goal as a communicator is to bridge the gap by speaking with as many animals as possible while
mentoring owners to better hear their animal, which ultimately creates a happier, healthier, bond.


More About The Sessions

Lets go over some information to set us up for a successful communication session.